Advocating for

Victims of Abuse

September 11, 2024

Response by Former Leaders at the International House of Prayer (“The Advocate Group”) related to the Independent Investigation overseen by Tikkun into Mike Bickle and IHOPKC. 

Since allegations of sexual misconduct were made against Mike Bickle in October 2023, there has been an ongoing call throughout the Body of Christ for an independent, third-party investigation into both Mike Bickle’s misconduct and the handling of all other situations of sexual misconduct at IHOPKC. Today, as former leaders at the International House of Prayer, we are encouraged to endorse the investigation by Firefly Investigations, which is being announced and overseen by Tikkun Global.

This past year has been long and painful as many victims and eyewitnesses to wrongdoing have come forward and told their stories publicly to journalists and privately to advocates. It has become increasingly evident to more and more that we need a trusted investigation where survivors can tell their stories to a trauma-informed investigator that establishes the facts and produces a public report. The past eleven months have also been particularly heartbreaking due to the repeated meetings with representatives of IHOPKC leadership who have continually stated they are open to a mutually agreed upon investigation but then, after long deliberations, have repeatedly not backed up their initial overtures with any agreement of substance. 

After meeting with many investigators who would be acceptable to victims and matched IHOPKC’s stated criteria, a suitable investigator was identified. However, it was felt that if IHOPKC did not commit, it would be difficult for us as the Advocate Group to be the contracting party for the investigator, since it would be seen by many as not independent. We also do not want our history as former leaders of IHOPKC to inhibit any victims of sexual abuse and misconduct from sharing their stories with the investigator. To be abundantly clear, the investigation is completely independent of any of the Advocate Group’s involvement. Since we are not the contracting party, we will not be receiving any updates from the investigator. We will also not have any access to information concerning survivors and witnesses that contact Firefly. Any communication between the investigative team and any member of the Advocacy Group will be the same as any other member of the public — as witnesses to pertinent information.

It was at this point that we reached out to a number of organizations, trusted by us and hopefully by IHOPKC, that could potentially oversee an investigation. Tikkun was one of these organizations. We were hopeful when Tikkun tentatively agreed to be involved, and then after many meetings with all parties, including vetting investigators, felt a conviction to help lead. We are very grateful to the Tikkun team who have stepped into this situation at this time, and we are pleased they have chosen Jim Holler as their lead investigator and the Firefly Investigations team. 

We are confident based on many recommendations that Jim Holler and the team at Firefly Investigations will provide a safe, trauma-informed approach. This means that anyone coming forward will be anonymous to IHOPKC, Tikkun, or the Advocate Group. Firefly Investigations brings extensive experience with a team of skilled, forensic investigators, including current and retired police officers, detectives, prosecutors, and psychologists.

We have learned that IHOPKC has not agreed to participate and has declined to fund this investigation (and it appears has hired a new attorney for another investigation instead). In light of this, we as former IHOPKC leaders, along with Tikkun Global, are turning to the broader Body of Christ for support. Approximately $100,000 will be needed for the investigation.

The investigation will occur in two phases:

  1. Investigating Mike Bickle: Addressing the specific allegations against him.

  2. Investigating IHOPKC's Handling of Sexual Misconduct: Evaluating the organization’s response to these claims.

How you can help

  1. Share the Investigation to Your Networks:
    If you know someone with relevant information of misconduct about Mike Bickle or IHOPKC, direct them to Firefly’s Survey. This investigation will only be successful if ALL parties can be heard in a safe environment.

  2. Donate:
    Please consider making a one-time tax-deductible donation through the National Christian Foundation Portal Here

Although the situation is difficult, we are hopeful for a redemptive outcome.

Our goal all along has been to ensure victims are heard, the Body of Christ can heal, and those responsible have an opportunity for repentance and reform. Thank you for your support in seeking justice and truth.

Allen and Rachel Hood

Dwayne and Jennifer Roberts

Peter and Elizabeth Herder 

Wes and Amanda Martin

Jono and Shari Hall

Samuel (and Maddie) Hood

John and Fran Chisholm

Dean and Jeanie Briggs 

“He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah 6:8

New Videos

Back in June, a number of the former leaders put together some Video FAQs for the continued need for an independent investigation. At the time Tikkun had not agreed to oversee this process, however, we feel that a number of these FAQs are still helpful to communicate.

Question 1: Why is an Investigation Still Needed?

Question 2: Why is an Investigation Still Needed (Part 2)

Question 3: Isn't this whole thing just about a minor indiscretion of Mike Bickle over 20 years ago that has been repented of and is now "under the blood"? 

Question 4: Why is the scope of this investigation not just into Mike Bickle, why does it include IHOPKC?

Question 5: Isn’t this whole thing about a conspiracy group of disaffected former leaders who no longer have any authority over IHOPKC?